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Department of Women 


Christian Women’s Council (CWC) and Young Women’s Christian Council (YWCC)


The Life Changing Word Church of God in Christ Department of Women have adopted the missions of the International Department of Women’s CWC and YWCC.  This group of women come together bi-monthly throughout the year, meeting in host member’s homes for further growth and fellowship.


The mission of the Christian Women’s Council is to educate others in the principles and practices of holiness and saintly living. Our council will serve as mentors for younger women, enabling them to establish and maintain Godly standards in church behavior, community relationships, home building, child development, self-improvement, and thus become soul winners.


The mission of The Young Women’s Christian Council (YWCC) is an organization that ministers to young women ages 18-40, married or single.  YWCC encourages holy living and dedication to Christian Service in the church and community. YWCC also addresses numerous concerns of young women which may include: finding a mate, home building, meal planning, parenting, child care and development, understanding teenagers, marital issues, etc. Additionally, YWCC is designed to be an asset to the local church and pastor, as well as the district, jurisdiction, and the national work.


1250 Easton Road

Abington, PA 19001

(215) 784-0481

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